Making Yearly Brand Updates

New year, new me! Well… sort of. New year, the old me is back now that I’m not pregnant anymore and I have my brain back!

Entering into a new year is always grounds for a bit of a fresh start, in business and in life. For me personally this rang true more than normal after the year that 2022 was (catch up on that here).

I’m the type of person that has become skilled at juggling several things at once but one of those things being a BABY takes next level organization, patience and flexibility.

During the last few weeks of maternity leave, I knew changes would have to be made in this graphic design agency based on the fact that my husband and I decided that I would be the primary care-giver for baby Franklin (at least for a while). For me, there was no question that this meant I was entering into a working-mom role and had to figure out how to run a graphic design agency, the Patterned Goods shop AND be the world’s okay-est mom.

For Natalie Fuson Design, I immediately knew that I needed to put my word for 2023, “intentional”, into play and be much more intentional with the clients that I serve. This meant updating my marketing strategy and brand in order to attract those dreamy, ideal clients - like you!

So the big questions here, what updates did I choose to make and how did I go about it?

I started with a review of my business as a whole over the past 2 years, re-visited who my ideal clients are and what my goals are for 2023 before even thinking about any design ideas. (This is an important practice with my clients, establish a purpose for designs first and then make it beautiful.)

Once I had my intentions set, I dove into updating my marketing strategy outline and brand style guide.

Here are the biggest updates…

  1. Consistent content creation for my design blog and Instagram.

    1. Problem: Consistency. I always have SO MANY ideas and things that I’d love to share but doing it consistently has been a struggle the past few years.

    2. Solution: Marketing Mondays. A plan to block of Monday’s for marketing, business maintenance and making plans. Setting aside time to achieve the consistency with my own marketing that I’ve been searching for.

  2. Style, imagery and messaging

    1. Problem: I’ve learned that the most ideal client for ME is not necessarily someone who is just like me. Over the past few years, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed providing good design for women and men in all types of businesses and the style, imagery and messaging I use doesn’t show and speak to that.

    2. Solution: Clean up types of images and style that I’m using in marketing efforts to appeal to more than just feminine style loving ladies.

  3. Color palette

    1. Problem: Short answer, men don’t love pink! Previously, I used colors that spoke primarily to women but my brand colors choices often alienated potential clients who are men giving the perception that I only offered “feminine design”.

    2. Solution: Simplify and choose more neutral but still punchy and personality filled colors.

Do you and your designer take time to review your business and brand each year? I encourage you to do so! Evaluating problems, finding solutions and determining how good design can assist in those solutions is important for an evolving business.


Let me help you make decisions on the look and feel of your brand and design a brand style guide for your business!


What is a Brand Style Guide?